
Saturday, June 1, 2013

springs late, and so am i says miss faye

Gardening in the rain is great. Dang hard roots come out with soft earth ease. 

hopefully by monday i'll have the seeds all in and my inventory stocked. getting ready for market is much more than just product, i'm understanding. down to tracking miles and waiting around for backorders. not to mention replanting seeds that didn't grow, or sprouts the cat ate; and dissecting rocks from the garden.

so in comes steeping in spring II... anticipation, preparation, strength.

will to "stay in one's integrity"

so in comes helichrysum: easy Helichrysum italicum. integrating bruising of the subtle body into a more usable medium for understanding. and isn't clear understanding breeding ground for strength? now isn't that a daisy.

reference: The Subtle Energies of Essential Oils, West Coast Institute of Aromatherapy E-Book

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