
Monday, March 18, 2013

Steeping in Spring

We're all familiar with the concept of "spring cleaning." Spring always catches me by surprise, but it is very apparent when Spring has sprung- Not only does daylight linger, but I start to receive all kinds of messages reading "Spring detox clearance!" or "Take charge this Spring! Organize your life!" 

So why all the urge for a fresh start? Spring is naturally a time of rebirth.  Like any birth, it takes anticipation, preparation, and strength building for the actual bearing to occur. 

So this Spring, as I begin to open up to the possibilities of what may come, I'm harnessing invariable support from the earth, to gain the strength to reconnect with my purpose.

Strength Building Yoga- Dolphin Pushups

Add dolphin pushups  to your daily practice.  Dolphin pushups are especially great for opening and strengthening the chest and shoulder region, but when carried out correctly, you learn that this strength comes not from the arms alone, but from the solid foundation of rooted feet and and a well-aligned pelvis and head that supports the weight of the spine; this creates an intelligent strength that comes from within, rather than from the ego.


. Come to a comfortable seat. Start to witness of your breath. Once your mind  is clear, begin your practice with a 10 rounds of breath in Virasana with Gomukhasana arms. You can incorporate breath of fire here if you have that in your practice. 

. Take a dynamic cat-child's movement to neutralize and clear the spine.  Repeat several times until the effect has come to you.

. Perform 5 Sun Salutes of your preferred variation. Take fierce pose as the first and last posture in which ever salute you do. Mind your shoulders in fierce; roll them onto the back to open the chest.  Fierce works to align the root chakra with the heart chakra. This has a grounding, yet stimulating and inspiring quality. This is perfect for spring as it fosters firm roots for security and elevation for intelligent action.

. Take 5 breaths in Eagle pose on both sides. Eagle strengthens the core and works to balance from the inside, starting at the root chakra while providing heart opening for rooted inspiration.

. Come back to Tadasana and root firmly into the earth. Feel the earth energy radiate up through your body and out through your heart. Really take time in Tadasana to feel this support. Mind how it makes you feel to honor your tall mountain. Even in this "simple" pose, it takes work to mind the energy lines and draw awareness from the earth for strength.

.  Step one foot back from Tadasana. Feet should be in railroad tracks, the front toe facing forward and the back toes pointed slightly inward. Draw arms out to a t, and with your hips first facing the side, bend to the side over the front toes to keep the spine long. when you reach the edge, drop the bottom arm and raise the top towards the sky. gaze towards the floor or towards the sky. Play your edge in triangle- do not push yourself from the extremities, but let your expression in the pose reveal itself from the roots inside. Step forward and repeat on the other side.

. Prepare for a wide Legged forward fold. As you fold, mind the opposing forces of energy- the earth energy radiating up from the feet up the back body, and the heart energy circulating down and being recycled up by the earth energy. Again, feel the strength that this brings.

. Move into the apex pose- dolphin pushups. Form a tripod by clasping your hands and pressing forearms into the ground. Elbows should be shoulder-width apart. Now finish the pose as if you were otherwise getting into downward dog. Carry out the pushup action- suck the navel in and come forward as if entering plank. Sync this action with the breath and repeat several times until effect has fully unveiled itself. When complete, drop the knees and take child's pose.

. Follow through with a minor backbend in locust pose.

. Take your favorite twist. Again move from the inside- where the roots of your strength lie. Twist to align that strength in distribution among all chakras. Feel the alignment. Be sure to twist both sides.

. Move into bridge pose. Dynamically move arms up overhead on inhale and elevation and back down to sides on exhale and lowering. When lowering, make sure to land one vertebrae at a time, starting at the cervical spine downwards. Pay attention the the feeling of support when lowering each vertebrae.

. Take any other poses you need to feel complete and then move into savasana for at least 10 minutes. Feel the support and safety from the earth as you surrender into complete calm and clarity. Take your time getting up.

. Enter into meditation. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chamomile: Matricaria chamomilla

Image from A Modern Herbal

"Earth Apple"

As I fill my little baggy at the food co-op with dried chamomile, my senses automatically remember the stark loveliness I experience when preparing and enjoying a hot cup of chamomile tea. If you're a chamomile fan, you know what I mean. Chamomile is used for a range of physical ailments, but for me, it's subtle effect on the energy body are as dense. Chamomile's sedative qualities not only soften the head and the heart, but open my being up to push beyond the state I'm in. 

With it's daisy-like appearance, chamomile lends a certain kind of sweetness-- no wonder it's aroma has historically been associated with the apple, a highly regarded Celtic symbol because of its supposed transformative power to lift the eater into an elevated state. 

Noted uses of chamomile range from treating the common cold, liver disorders, wounds and burns, insomnia, indigestion, inflammation, menstrual pain, nervousness, sunburn, headache, conjunctivitis, and depression.

Bringing soothing and calming maternal-like healing to those who are in need, chamomile is one of nature's finest gifts. 

Food for Tired Eyes:
Submerge two chamomile tea bags in hot water for about a minute. Remove them from the water. Lie down and rest a tea bag on each eye. This trick helps relieve eye tension, including conjunctivitis, and can be great for headache pain. 

Sparkling Chamomile-Basil Lemonade:
Bring 1 1/2 cups water to boil. Add two teaspoons of dried basil and two tablespoons (or four teabags) of chamomile, and 1/2 cup of honey. Stir until well incorporated. Turn heat to low and simmer until 1/2 of the volume remains (about 25 minutes). Remove from heat, stir again, and let completely cool. Add syrup to a quart of sparkling lemonade. Serve over ice with fresh basil and berries to garnish. Sip and enjoy the fresh new breath it brings. :)

Chamomile Infused Honey 
Oh so good. Use in breakfast oats/cereals, teas, or to roast root veggies.